马栋梁,1964年出生于中国天津市,是一名退役的中国足球运动员。他曾经在多个职业俱乐部效力,包括河北华夏幸福等。马栋梁以其出色的进攻能力而闻名,在球场上的表现获得了良好的口碑。 retired footballer from China, who played for several clubs including Hebei Huaxia Happiness. Ma Dongliang is known for his excellent attacking skills and has gained a good reputation on the field.
在职业生涯中,马栋梁代表河北华夏幸福出场了多场比赛。他的表现受到广泛的关注和赞美,他是球场上的一个重要成员。他与球队的合作非常融洽,与其他球员之间的关系也非常好。Ma Dongliang played for Hebei Huaxia Happiness in his professional career, appearing in many matches. His performance was widely followed and praised, and he was an important member of the team. His cooperation with the team was very harmonious, and his relationship with other players was also very good.